28 May, 2002

Gallery 1 (China, Waters)

This gallery will show you some of the beautiful scenes about the waters in China. I hope you enjoy them.


Jiuzhaigou is located in the northern part of Sichuan province(四川省〕(Sichuan is the hometown of giant panda), encompassing an area of about 620 sq.kms. It is about 400kms from Chengdu〔成都).It is a deep valley more than 40kms long. It lies about 2,500m above sea level. Jiuzhai means nine villages lived by Tibetans(藏族〕. The reserve remains a gorgeous panoply of lakes, waterfalls, snow mountains and luxury green forest and Alpine scenery. The surrounding is simple, primitive and uninhibited. The beautiful scenes in Jiuzhaigou are so breathtaking that it is described as" fairy land". The picture above is Changhai 长海(Long Sea). I show you another photo that is Pearl waterfall珍珠滩瀑布
How is it? Besides the two spots I mentioned, other scenery spots include Mirror Lake镜海, Bamboo Lake箭竹海, Panda Sea熊猫海, muti-coloured pond 五彩池(appears in five colors, presenting a marvelous wonder of nature), Five Flowers Sea五花海, Nuorilang waterfalls(诺日朗瀑布 )30 meters drop is a spectacular view). Pearl Shore珍珠滩, Shuzhenqun Sea树正群海, Season Sea季节海, Tiger Sea老虎海, Bonzai Shore盆景滩, Reed sea芦苇海, Swan sea天鹅海, Wo-Long sea卧龙海, Flame sea火花海, Rhinoceros sea犀牛海.The best time to visit Jiuzhaigou is during Autumn when you can see maple leaves turning reddish. The ambience is waylaid.

Visit Jiuzhaigou you must visit its neighbour Huanglong 黄龙(Yellow dragon), known as "The Fairy Land on the Earth" (The scenic area located 128km southwest of Jiuzhaigou). The unique landscape is picturesque famous in China and around the world. Colourful in all seasons, its scenery can match that of Jiuzhaigou. The multi-coloured pond (a chain of nature ponds formed by cream-coloured calcium carbonate), snow mountains, canyons and forests are enchanting. The geographical features are similar to Jiuzhaigou, but difference styles in presentation certainly is a lure.
Now I want to introduce you the largest waterfall in China--Huangguoshu Waterfalls (Orange tree waterfall)

2. Huangguoshu Waterfalls (Orange tree falls)黄果树瀑布

Huangguoshu Waterfalls located at Guizhou province贵州省. It is about 150km from city Guiyang贵阳(Guiyang is a well-known resort for both summer and winter). The fall is 74m high and 81m wide and is located on the Baisui (Whitewater) river。 Besides the falls, you can see many strange rocks and caves. Such as Shuilian cave水濂洞,Tianxing cave天星洞 artificial stoneforest 人工石林etc.

3. Guilin

The laudatory call to Guilin is the Chinese saying," The scene of Guiling is the best in the world"桂林山水甲天下 Whether it is the best, nobody can tell. Guiling is located at Guangxi province广西省. The main features are limestone tower that rises from the plains, often shrouded in mist. The Li river漓江(You can take a scenic boat ride down the Li River, along the river, you can see an endless change of scenery, green and placid, dotted with bamboo rafts and staw-hatted men fishing with cormorants, Crown Rock, Nine-Horse and Jade Lotus Peak. The ride will bring you to Yangshuo〔阳朔〕. The famous spots are fabulous Ludi芦笛岩 (Flute Reed) Cave- also known as "Palace of natural Art" as inside the cave is lined with stalactites of dazzling colours. Solitary Beauty peak独秀峰 (Duxiufeng), Wave-subduing hill 伏波山(Fuboshan), Seven star rock七星岩 (Qixinyen), Elephant trunk hill 象鼻岩(Xiangbishan), Camel hill 骆驼山etc.

What the photo I am introducing here is another new tourist spot in Guilin, Yinziyan影子岩, is a new cave open to the world. Let see the view outside the cave.
After visiting southern west of China, I bring you to the northern west of China to see the magnificent of Yellow river黄河--Hukou Waterfalls.

4.Hukou Waterfalls (Mouth of the Kettle falls)壶口瀑布
Hukou Waterfalls is situated between Shanxi 山西省and Shaanxi provinces陕西省. Houkou means the mouth of the kettle and the waterfalls looks exactly like water running down from the mouth of the kettle. Yellow river is originated from Qinghai province 青海省flows from west to east. After it reaches Inner Mongolia内蒙古, makes a turn to the south into Shaanxi province. When the river passes in between Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces, it enters the 700 kilometer long Shan-Shaan Gorge that forms the natural border between shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.
In this section, crossing the Loess Plateau, due to the nature of soft soil at both side of the bank that collapses into the river, therefore the water of the river is yellow. Within the Shan-Shaan Gorges, the channel becomes narrower, the gradient steeper, there is a deep step fall( The waterfall is 50m high and 30m wide. The channel bed falls from 900 metres above sea level at its northern end to 300 metres above sea level in the south at Yumenkou, near Yumenkou the channel narrows from 400 metres wide to about 30 metres, and plunges 50 metres over the horseshoe-shaped Hukou waterfall, the second larges waterfall in China, marks the southern end of Yumenkou gorge.), the faster flowing water , making the river un-navigable, causing the magnificent view of Hukou Waterfalls .The next picture I am showing you the largest salt-water lake in China- the Qinghaihu (Qinghai Lake)
5.Qinghaihu (Qinghai Lake)青海湖

Qinghaihu is situated on Qinghai province青海省. The poorest province in China. And because it is above sea level 3000 m in average . Day and night temperature is extremely diverse. Living in this high plateau you feel short of oxygen, therefore there are few inhabitants living around here, mostly they are Tibetans. Qinghai province has abundant of natural resources. Yangtze river 长江and Yellow river黄河 are originated from here.

Qinghaihu is located in the northeastern of Qinghai province. It is about 150kms from the capital of Qinghai, a city called Xini西宁. We rented a tent from Tibetan by the lake. This picture was taken early in the morning on the sunrise. The temperature could be under 0 degree. I felt my fingers were not so agile and numb due to cold weather. I hope it did not affect the quality of the picture.

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